2023-2023 Highlights
Mighty Madison Mac and Cheese fundraiser
Key Club: Help feed for Thanksgiving
Key Club: Help Ukraine
Special Education Department: Echo for Classroom; accessories for DLC and supplies
Athletic Department: decals over bleacher seating in the gymnasium
Flowers for women's basketball 20th anniversary celebration
Best Buddies
Annual GCP Tree Lighting
Christmas in NHP - for in NEED families
NHPM Christmas Adopt-a-Family
Funded Senior Scholarships
Additional information to come
Funded the 7th Grade float for the Homecoming Parade
Raised $3,000 benefiting breast cancer awareness in October
Raised $600 in the first annual Sewanhaka Central High School District Chili Cookoff
Sponsored and volunteered for the Annual Christmas Tree Lighting in GCP
Sponsored tables for events benefiting the Sewanhaka Central Council of PTAs and New Hyde Park Memorial High School basketball program
Purchased a table for the school's athletic trainer
Purchased a page in “The Chariot” school newspaper
Purchased a Championship banner for the Track program ($509 value)
Donated $300 to the Kids in Seats non-profit organization
Donated $300 for materials to create breast cancer awareness blankets
Financed customer relief facilities (portable potties)
Funded scholarships in excess of $10,000
Funded the 7th Grade float for the Homecoming Parade
Awarded 24 deserving students with scholarships totaling the amount of $10,000. The recipients are chosen by the NHP Memorial H.S. Scholarship Committee
Purchased all the plaques and awards for the Varsity Awards Ceremony
Purchased two new lacrosse cages which cost nearly $2000
Donated $500 to the Music department for new music stands
Purchased a new machine to paint the lines on the turf field
Supported “The Chariot” school newspaper by donating $800
Sponsored the yearly St. Baldrick’s Fundraiser to help fight childhood cancer
Hosted a walk that benefited Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
Raised hundreds of dollars benefiting Breast Cancer Awareness, and Veteran’s and Wounded Warriors
Adopted a family for the holidays and also purchased $300 worth of toys for Toys for Tots
Sponsored a table for an event benefiting the Gladiator Fund
Supported and raised money for the Leah Kuczinski Foundation
Opened the Shack for a record number of days